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In their work, French performers and mime teachers Sara Mangano and Pierre-Yves Massip draw on the art and techniques of Marcel Marceau, Etienne Decroux and Jacques Lecoq.  The workshop is grounded in the contemporary language of pantomime, rooted in the French tradition. Participants will train using creative stimuli to develop their movement acting. Theatre consists of innumerous choices and paths. Pantomime and its techniques are often found at the intersection of these. Everything begins with the body and its potential. The workshop therefore focuses on revealing the capabilities of one’s “instrument”. Participants will discover their own physicality through a wide range of movement expression, dramatic gestures and etudes.

The workshop is intended for those interested in the creative means and techniques of pantomime, those who love to move, students of acting and the theatre arts, and professionals.

Cie Mangano-Massip

A contemporary mime troupe focusing on physical dramaturgy. The body is the centre of attention and performances communicate across languages. Drawing on the tradition of the Marcel Marceau school, the Mangano-Massip theatre company is based in France but travels abroad regularly. They have presented their work in Japan, China, Israel, Brazil, Chile, Singapore, Algiers, Porto Rico, Iran, Kosovo, Poland, and Korea… Along with their professional stagings, the artists teach at theatre schools and universities, and participate in projects with a social impact. Their productions have won numerous awards.