The workshops will all take place at the same time, so choose one of the three that you would like to attend.
Price:4,000 CZK/150 EUR and forcitizens of theVisegradcountries 2,600 CZK/100 EUR (support from the International Visegrad Fund)
Contact person: Simona Cacková, tel.: +420 737 536 975
Price includes:
- 1 of the three main workshops
- Accommodation from September 15th to 20th
- Meals from September 15th to 20th (breakfast, workshop snack, lunch, dinner – on Tuesday only dinner,on Sunday only breakfast)
- Free admission to all festival performances
*We would like to remind students that you can ask your school to cover some of the cost of these workshops.
Losers Cirque Company is among the best new circus troupes in the CR. It excels with highly technical acrobatics and breathtaking performances on stage. The workshop is designed for absolute beginners who would like to try new kinds of movement, as well as more experienced acrobats who would like to improve. You will learn new skills in individual acrobatic disciplines, various balancing techniques, and new tricks.
By actively engaging muscles throughout your body, you will improve your conditioning and concentration – plus, your three instructors Martina Ilichová, JindřichPanský andMatyášRambapromise good acrobatic fun for all. No prior acrobatic or gymnastic experience is required, and no special equipment or gear is necessary.
“Learn some new tricks with us!“ (Losers)
Filip likes to introduce himselfas a clown and comedian. His work combines the techniques and approaches of pantomime, clowning and acting with juggling and balancing techniques. His workshop will focus on using the simplest skills to produce the maximum effect for the audience. He will also concentrate on working with objects, finding their balance, and creating situations for physical humor.
“There is humor in simplicity.”(Filip Hajduk)
Radim Vizváry is a mime, author, director, choreographer and educator. His own work mostly specializes in pantomime, pushing the boundaries of the contemporary form and addressing issues of non-verbal theater, both in the educational and theoretical spheres. Radim’s pantomime performances are contemporary, progressive, innovative and provocative. His work is highly professional and unique in the way it combines pantomime with other theatrical styles – modernizing and popularizing it. His achievements have been acknowledged by many prestigious awards.
“Mime makes the invisible visible.”(RadimVizváry)
Workshops have received financial support from the International Visegrad Fundthrough theVisegradMimes Exchange Mimes project.